• 2023-11-10

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National IT Industry Promotion Agency promotes ‘2023 non-face-to-face leading service revitalization

The National IT Industry Promotion Agency (NIPA, Director Heo Seong-wook) announced that it is pursuing the ‘2023 non-face-to-face leading service revitalization project in areas closely related to daily life.’

This project, which is being carried out to promote the spread of non-face-to-face services in areas closely related to people's lives, such as business, daily consumption, education/assessment, and well-being/health in the endemic era, is expected to help the economy and society face the digital transformation in the post-corona era from 2021. As the non-face-to-face digital economy accelerates across the board, key investment areas will be selected and supported, focusing on services that urgently require a non-face-to-face transition.

Since last year, we have focused on supporting service advancement and overseas expansion for digital companies in the non-face-to-face service field with the goal of concretely realizing the inclusive digital society 'creating a safer and more comfortable place to live' as suggested by the government's 'Korea Digital Strategy'. and completed verification of 17 non-face-to-face services that increase public convenience.

The biggest change in the business, now in its third year, is to go beyond the verification of non-face-to-face services and expand the scope of commercialization support for companies that completed verification last year, establishing a growth and virtuous cycle ecosystem for the domestic non-face-to-face industry.

Among the 2022 demonstration companies, seven were selected as commercialization support companies this year, including iPixel, UFit, Inventis, Damin Robot, JCF Technology, SM Planet, and Insight.

Source: AVING (https://kr.aving.net)


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